``In dreams, it is always the father-figure from whom the decisive convictions, prohibitions, and wise counsels eminate." --C.J. Jung

She stood in the utility room doorway and watched him set down his toolbox, take off his boots, step out of his carpenter's overalls with the wonderful pockets and tools, and finally remove his hard hat. Mary was intrigued that he could be so diminished in a matter of two minutes. A considerable man of canvas, leather, and metal willingly turned himself into a balding, narrow man, not much bigger than herself.
--Lynda Sexson, Margaret of the Imperfections

At bottom God is nothing more than an exalted father.
--Sigmund Freud

He lay on the couch night after night, mouth open, the darkness of the room filling his mouth, and no one knew my father was eating his children.
--Sharon Olds, Saturn

``My little, little child!" cried Bob. ``My little child!" He broke down all at once. He couldn't help it. If he could have helped it, he and his child would have been farther apart perhaps than they were.
--Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

Father Dreams

[Real Audio] Hear "Our Father" in Real Audio.

She climbed into my lap and curled into the crook of my left arm. I couldn't move that arm, but I could cradle Ashtin in it. I could kiss the top of her head. And I could have no doubt that this was one of the sweetest moments of my life.
--Dennis Byrd in Fathers and Daughters

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37. Chia Jen/The Family (The Clan)
This hexagram represents the laws obtaining within the family. The strong line at the top represents the father, the lowest the son... The fact that a strong line occupies the sixth place -- where a weak line might be expected -- indicates very clearly the strong leadership that must come from the head of the family.
--I Ching, trans. Wilhelm/Baynes

The core of masculinity does not derive from being male, nor the friendliness from those who console. Your old grandmother says, ``Maybe you shouldn't go to school. You look a little pale." Run when you hear that. A father's stern slaps are better.
Jalal-Ud-Din Rumi, Mathnawi


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