Wake Me, Shake Me

Have mercy, Jesu!--Soft! I did but dream. —KING RICHARD III

Shakepeare plays; Shakepeare dreams: You need seven correct to proceed (and Netscape 3.0® JavaScript).
     I have had a dream, past the wit
     of man to say what dream it was.

1. The above lines are from which seasonal offering?

A Midsummer Night's Dream
A Winter's Tale
The Rite of Spring

     True, I talk of dreams,
     Which are the children of an idle brain,
     Begot of nothing but vain fantasy.

2. Delivered in which Dynamic Duo?

Antony and Cleopatra
Romeo and Juliet
Triolius and Cressida

     If there be, or ever were, one such,
     It's past the size of dreaming.

3. Ditto?

Antony and Cleopatra
Romeo and Juliet
Triolius and Cressida

     We are such stuff
     As dreams are made  ? .

4. Fill in the blank:

in Japan

  Saw you not even now
     a blessed troop
  Invite me to a banquet,
     whose bright faces
  Cast thousand beams upon me
     like the sun?

5. This quote and illustration depict Queen Katherine's dream in which regal production?

Henry VI
Henry VIII
Richard III

     And on the pieces of the broken wand
     Were placed the heads of Edmund Duke of Somerset,
     And William de la Pole, first duke of Suffolk.
     This was my dream: what it doth bode, God knows.

6. Spoken by Glouster— select the sovereign:

Henry VI
Henry VIII
Richard III

Clarences said:

     O, I have pass'd a miserable night,
     So full of ugly sights, of ghastly dreams

while Richmond had:

     The sweetest sleep, and fairest-boding dreams
     That ever enter'd in a drowsy head

7. Who also had a rough night in this play?

Hank 6
Hank 8
Dick 3

     Or perform my bidding, or thou livest in woe;
     Do it, and happy; by my silver bow!
     Awake, and tell thy dream.

8. A divine message to Pericles from which Huntress?


     To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub:
     For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,
     When we have shuffled off this mortal coil

9. Who spoketh so?

A Danish Depressive
A Venetian Vendor
A Star-Crossed Lover

And now a non-dream query:
     I marvel thy master hath not eaten thee for a word;
     for thou art not so long by the head as      honorificabilitudinitatibus: thou art easier
     swallowed than a flap-dragon.

10. Love's Labour's Lost featured Shakespeare's longest word; what does it mean?


At the top, "Hamlet's crawl" is portrayed in a turn-of-the-century postcard published by London's Ernest Nister Company. Queen Katherine's Dream (c. 1825) is by William Blake. .

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